5 Day ULPPL Split – Upper Lower Push Pull Legs

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What's included:

  • Problems with the bro split
  • Structure of the ULPPL split
  • Why train 5 days per week?
  • The workout (see below)
  • Top tips


The ULPPL workout split is a popular 5 day workout routine for building muscle and strength. This split maximizes the frequency and volume of your training routine, working each muscle group twice per week. Compared to the 5 day bro split, a ULPPL split can help advanced trainees more efficiently build muscle.

Structure of the ULPPL (upper, lower, push, pull, legs) split

The ULPPL (upper, lower, push, pull, legs) split divides your workouts into five types of exercise: upper body, lower body, push exercises, pull exercises and legs.

In this type of split, you work chest muscles both on upper body and push days, back muscles on lower body and legs day, etc. In other words, you hit each muscle group twice during the week, increasing the frequency and volume of your workout routine.

This increase in frequency and volume is the key advantage of ULPPL over bro splits, since it promotes greater muscle hypertrophy and uses your training time more efficiently.

A typical ULPPL split will be structured like this:

  • Day 1 - Upper body day: Chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps.
  • Day 2 - Lower body day: Quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves.
  • Day 3 - Rest day.
  • Day 4 - Push day: Chest, shoulders and triceps.
  • Day 5 - Pull day: Back, biceps and rear delts.
  • Day 6 - Leg day: Quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves.
  • Day 7 - Rest day.
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5 Day ULPPL Split – Upper Lower Push Pull Legs

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