
The Intense Bro Split – 5 Day Workout Routine

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The Intense Bro Split – 5 Day Workout Routine


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What's included:

  • Reasons to like the bro split
    • Bro split vs full body workouts
    • Bro split vs push pull legs (PPL)
  • Planning your bro split
  • The Workout
    • Day 1 - Chest (7 exercises)
    • Day 2 - Shoulders (7 exercises)
    • Day 3 - Legs (6 exercises)
    • Day 4 - Back (7 exercises)
    • Day 5 - Arms (8 exercises)
  • Top tips


If you train more than 3 days per week, you’ll be following a split workout routine of some kind, rather than a full body routine. Many bodybuilders get started with a 5 day bro split routine, where you dedicate each day of the week to a specific muscle group.

One downside of the bro split is that you only work each muscle group once per week. Eventually, after training with bro split for a while, you will hit a plateau where you struggle to make progress. Many people say you should follow a bro split for a maximum of 12 weeks.

While many graduate onto a PPL, ULPPL or PHAT to maximize their training frequency, you might prefer to follow a bro split out of familiarity, habit or preference. But there is a way to extend the mileage of the bro split, and it’s really simple… just turn up the intensity!

Gym Geek’s high-intensity bro split has 6-8 exercises in each workout. It’s a 5 day per week program that maxes out on intensity, making it a high-volume strength training routine.

Planning your bro split

The bro split divides your week into 5 days. One each day, you focus on training one muscle group. In the high-intensity bro split, the aim is to exhaust each muscle group fully on its workout day, which will promote maximal muscle growth and strength gains.

A typical bro split might look something like this:

  • Monday – Chest
  • Tuesday – Shoulders
  • Wednesday – Legs
  • Thursday – Back
  • Friday – Arms

The most important part of planning your bro split is choosing the exercises you will perform on each day of the routine. The aim is to avoid conflicting exercises on consecutive days of the week. For example, if you are targeting chest on Monday, you should ensure that Tuesday’s exercises avoid chest muscle groups.

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